Teppo Hauta-Aho
Composer / Musician
Born in 1941

Teppo Hauta-Aho (born 1941, Finland) is a Finnish double bassist and composer. One of the most prominent jazz and classical double bassist in the Finland area. One of his most famous pieces, Cadenza, has been played at many music festivals worldwide, and for many competitions. He uses non-standard playing techniques in his pieces. Teppo Hauta-aho is a veteran of Finnish jazz, but still tightly involved in the field of Finnish free jazz.
The first merits of Hauta-aho on the area of jazz music are from the late1960-s when the European jazz field got to know the skills of this bassist as Tuohi Quartet, where Hauta-aho played, won the Association of European Radios› band contest in Montreux in 1971.