Ehsan Tarokh
Ehsan Tarokh (Born 1980, Shiraz) Studied Music at National Music academy of Ukraine and passed some music courses at Tehran conservatory of music. During the last years he changed his view to curating the artistic events such as concerts and performances. Since 2005 he is a manager of Nilper Orchestra and in 2015 he was appointed as a member of planning council in contemporary music circle of Tehran museum of contemporary art (CMC.TMOCA). He is also the manager of Tehran Flute Choir since 2015 and the director of Navayeamin Music Academy Since 2012.
During These Years Ehsan had a lot of experiences in curating concerts such as Navaye Solh Orchestra, Foroozan Percussion band, Iranian Traditional music ensemble “Ghol-Ghazal” etc. he received a lot of prizes as an owner, Composer & Percussion Player from International & Regional Festivals.