Ehsan Ebrahimi

Ehsan Ebrahimi was born in Mashhad (Iran) in 1980. He started music by learning to play the Santur. This was followed by training in composition with Shahin Farhat and Farhad Fakhredini. The first own compositions came into being after another two years. He has been a santur teacher and composer for 17 years. In December 2012 he Statred to study in Germany. In May 2017 he obtained a bachelor’s degree at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media (Hmtmh) with a major in “Composition”.
he In particular attended lectures on “electronic music” given by Oliver Schneller, José María Sanchez-Verdu, Gordon Williamson, Ming Tsao and Joachim Heintz. Since October 2017 he has been continuing his training with a master’s degree at the University of Music and Art Bremen (HfK) with a focus on “electroacoustic composition” with Kilian Schwoon.
He has already composed for several well-known ensembles, such as Ensemble Garage, Ensemble Handwerk, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Ensemble Mosaik, Ensemble Focus, Schola Heidelberg, Ensemble Mixtura, Ensembe Aisthesis, Ensemble Focus, Ensemble Megaphon and Saitensprung.
His compositions were performed at renowned festivals in Germany, including the Göttingen International Handel Festival, Musik 21 Niedersachsen, Herrenhausen Art Festival, Heidelberg Spring, ZKM Karlsruhe “Arrival New Music” Festival in Berlin and HGNM (Hanover Society for New Music) The clients include the Kunstverein Hannover, Sprengelmuseum, the Kestnergesellschaft in Hannover, HGNM and the Philharmonie Essen. In addition, he founded and directed the Ferdowsi Orchestra in Iran (2009-2012) and Ensemble Gohar (traditional Iranian music) in Germany.